Amanda Amend » Ms. Amend's Fourth Grade Class

Ms. Amend's Fourth Grade Class

Welcome to Ms. Amend's Fourth Grade Class!!! 
       Hi! I am Ms. Amend and I'm so excited to have you in my class this year! I earned my bachelor's degree from UNK. I have been teaching 4th grade at Emerson Elementary for 10 years, prior to that I substitute taught for 1 year, and I taught K-12 English as a Second Language in Gibbon, NE for 6 years. I love teaching 4th grade, I always say it's the best grade, and I love seeing each student grow both academically and maturing into amazing little people as the year progresses. I love learning and feel like it is something everybody does each and every day! 
       A little about me, I have two amazing kids. My son, Bronson, is 19 and just graduated from Kearney High last year. He is now in the Air Force and loving it. My daughter, Brooklyn , is 16 and will be a sophomore at Kearney High this year. She is in many different sports and keeps me busy, so you might see me at sporting events throughout the year. I love sports of all kinds, especially softball, which I have helped coach my daughter's team in the summers for the past 9 years. I also love to read, travel, kayak, and spend time with my family and friends. I love teaching and think it is very important, and so rewarding to watch my students grow into the amazing people they will be.
Fourth grade includes many opportunities for students to learn and grow.  Our goal is for each student to reach their full potential and become more independent learners.  Our curriculum includes instruction in the areas of math, reading, writing, language, science, and social studies.  We will work to build our stamina as independent readers, build confidence in doing "hard" things, and expressing ourselves in our writing.  Students will participate in specials including PE, Music, Art, and Media.  
 Our google classroom link is:
Our classroom Facebook link is:
  4th Amend
7:45-8:15 Temperature Checks, Hand Washing, Breakfast, Lunch Count, Planner
8:15-9:35 Math Math Math Math Math
9:35-10:35 Art Media Music/PE Music/PE Music or PE
10:35-10:45 Recess Recess Recess Recess Recess
10:45-11:00 Snack, Read Aloud, Hand Washing
11:00-12:10 ELA Block ELA Block Guidance ELA Block ELA Block
12:10-12:20 Hand Washing, Prepare for Lunch
12:20-1:00 Lunch/Recess Lunch/Recess Lunch/Recess Lunch/Recess Lunch/Recess
1:00-1:45 Science or SS/ELA Science or SS/ELA Science or SS/ELA Science or SS/ELA Science or SS/ELA
1:45-2:00 Read Aloud, Hand Washing
2:00-2:25 Intervention Intervention Intervention Intervention Intervention
2:25-3:15 Blitz Blitz Blitz Blitz Blitz
3:15-3:35 Picture Book/Dismiss Picture Book/Dismiss Picture Book/Dismiss Picture Book/Dismiss Picture Book/Dismiss
The best way to get ahold of me is via email:  [email protected]